Hi Guys!
So Ive taken a leaf out of my blogging buddy Jak's book and with some encouragement from her I decided to have a card clearance. Over the past several months I have accumulated more cards than I can possibly use and rather than just give them away to people who may or may not use them I would love to at least get back what I paid in supplies to make them.
Time is irretrievable, but I did have fun so all is not a waste. :)
Above is a sampling of what is available.
I have at least 7 packs (of 5 cards each) to sell to anyone who is interested. First come first served, when they're gone they're gone .
The selection will be mine, (I just don't have the extra time to sort through specific cards for the price I'm selling them for.)
5 cards for $12 plus p&p
email me if you're interested and I can let you know what it cost me to post it when I send them off. Payment by paypal is fine.
Hugs all!

Hi Dorcas,
I was going to leave a comment for one of your posts but couldn't decided which card I liked best! Then I noticed no one has left a comment on this post :( Doesn't mean your cards aren't good enough, just that every one is too stingy, including me!
I am having a little craft fair in a few weeks with some sisters from my home where we will try and sell some of our things we have made. Maybe you can try that too.
Love Pearl x
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