Hi All!
I just wanted to quickly show you a gift my daughter made me for our anniversary.
They're wrist pincushions made of felt and I think she did an amazing job of them!

I also wanted to let you all know that I have decided to put my sewing stuff on a seperate blog so as to keep this one specifically for papercrafts (and ducks~ I can't give my ducks their own blog as they'd get "puffy headed"...wait one already is! lol).
So if any of you are interested in my sewing muddles feel free to check out my other blog "Snippets" here.
You can also see more pictures of these awesome pincushions on that page. :)
Have a great week!

Dorcas your daughter did an amazing job on these! How super duper cute are these! These must have taken her some time to do...very detailed and tiny little details to do!WOW
You're right - these pincushions are awesome! I love them!
Have a great week yourself.
Love, Andrea xx
They are great, Dorcas. Shame to stick pins in them! LOL.
Tine :)
SUper cute!!
Oh my gosh how cute are these! She did do a fantastic job. How sweet!
Great job!! They´re so very cute!
You are right, she did an amazing job on the pincushions! And I'll be heading to your new blog now :)
Strawberries and cream is my favourite :) Cute and so very useful. x
Your daughter did a fabulous job! These little "bracelet cushions" are good enough to eat! Hugs, Lesley
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