Hi Guys,
I know its been a loooong time since Ive posted. Truth is I havent made a card in a couple of months. Just having a bit of a break for the winter. So thank all of you who decided to hang with me even while Ive been away from Blogland.
THis week's challenge at Mo's is to post your favorite Mo card of 2012. I couldn't miss that opportunity even though Im cutting it very close in getting this in.
THis was probably my fave card, the coloring came out just how I wanted and it was one of those rare cards youre pretty much 100% happy with when its done. A rare occurance!!
OK, so its not crafty but in case youve been wondering what Ive been doing lately, Ive been doing some "house projects", nothing exciting per se but just things that have been a bit neglected lately.
Let me show you what I mean:
Here's my sideboard which has been scratched up for quite some time. Ive been meaning to refinish it but just havent got around to it:
Well, I still havent refinished it but I decided to try out some "Old English" scratch remover to see if it would temporarily 'improve' it. Here's the result:
And below is the after picture:
Yes, still a little rough but the color is more uniform so at first glance it looks not too bad.
OK, are you ready for a "Pinstrocity??" Me too!
Have any of you read about the super duper way to boil eggs in the oven? The claim is that the eggs come out tastier, are easier to peel etc etc etc. Well! What they neglected to mention was this: that the eggs also scorch in the muffin tin and end up with brown spots all over them!
Here's the Pinterest picture that inspired me:

And here's my reality:
Anyone for some ugly eggs?
And by the way, they do NOT peel easier and they do NOT taste tastier either.
So there.
Well thats what's been happening here, thanks for visiting!!
Let me show you what I mean:
Here's my sideboard which has been scratched up for quite some time. Ive been meaning to refinish it but just havent got around to it:
Well, I still havent refinished it but I decided to try out some "Old English" scratch remover to see if it would temporarily 'improve' it. Here's the result:
You gotta admit thats pretty awesome! Here's a close up:
So I decided the refinishing could wait, thats pretty close to perfect!
So theeeen I got to thinking, hey my kitchen floor is pretty awful why not try it on that? So I bought some Old English Scratch Remover in LIGHT and I'll show you how that went.
First, here is the before:
You can see that the original finish is almost completely worn away. The floor really needs to be stripped but I cant do it in the winter so this is to "hold it over" til warm weather comes and I can do without my kitchen for a week or so. (not sure when that will be!).
And below is the after picture:
Yes, still a little rough but the color is more uniform so at first glance it looks not too bad.
Have any of you read about the super duper way to boil eggs in the oven? The claim is that the eggs come out tastier, are easier to peel etc etc etc. Well! What they neglected to mention was this: that the eggs also scorch in the muffin tin and end up with brown spots all over them!
Here's the Pinterest picture that inspired me:

And here's my reality:
Anyone for some ugly eggs?
And by the way, they do NOT peel easier and they do NOT taste tastier either.
So there.
Well thats what's been happening here, thanks for visiting!!

Hi Dorcas,
So I can see that don't sit still. You have done big projects. But the eggs, I don't know??. I even don't try this.
I'm glad to here from you, I hope you had a nice christmas with your family? About ten minutes it's new year.
Happy, healhty, new year to you.
Hugs, José
Welcome back Dorcas. That sideboard looks perfect the way it is. I don't think I would refinish it at all. Your kitchen floor is awesome. A real farm kitchen floor. I love the charm.
It has been a long time, Dorcas, and I've missed you! But you've popped up with a stunningly coloured and beautiful card, some wonderful wood finishing and some interesting eggs! Do come back soon won't you! In the meantime, I wish you and yours a wonderful New Year! Hugs, Lesley
YAY! Sure is good to see a post from you girlfriend, especially with one of your beautifully colored Mo cards. I miss seeing your pencil work so much. :-( My wood floors are in the same shape as yours and need some SERIOUS refinishing. I'm curious how the OE will hold up under a mop. I bought one of those steam mops. Your floor and sideboard really look nice though. I can't say that about the eggs. LOL The spots sure do make them pretty UN-appetizing. Guess you never know until you try though huh. Happy New Year Dorcas! Miss ya lots!!!!
Your projects look great - except for the eggs! Put fresh eggs into cold water, covered, bring to boil - shut off stove and set timer for 19 minutes. Run under cool water and peel. Easy Peasy!
Hi Dorcas. Happy New Year to you. Hope you are all doing OK. I rather like this card too but how do you choose? LOL. Take care.
Tine :)
Happy New YEar to you! Love the card, and can't wait to see more in 2013...I completely understand taking a break though, I haven't made a card in a couple months either. Just needed a break.
I love how your sideboard turned out...gotta love the oldies but goodies - with all the products practically claiming to clean so well you could see the shine from space, its nice that the tried & true still outlast. I found out the same with a product called Bon Amie...my MIL recommended it and I was a little dscouraged that all the mainstream products weren't taking care of the job, but lo and behold - that one worked! I guess a product thats been around since 1890 knows what its doing.
I had to laugh at the egg disaster...thank you for sharing it. Maybe the cups should have had a little water in them? I wonder if that would have stopped the scorching and evened things out. I guess not all of the Pinterest tips are good ones!
Happy New Year!
Hi dear Dorcas,what a pleasure to see you are still bloging. I love this card with the boy and his teddy - so sweet! and also your wooden things you made like new. And why not try new ways with eggs?...ok,I will not do so,always good to have one brave who tried first .Hugs Erni
Hi Dorcas, Happy New Year. Wow love your card hes such a cutie and of course your colouring is just perfect to. Not sure about your eggs but your polishing is just fabulous well done you. hugs Shirleyxxx
Hey sweetie and Happy New Year to you too!!! IT's great to hear you're still in the crafty business...lol, I knew you wouldn't leave for too long:).
Yes, I agree, this is a fabulous card, you are mastering at perfection those pencils; to tell you the truth I can't say any of your other cards are less perfect...lol, especially when it comes to your coloring.
It's great to have you around, hope you will join us at Mo's again:)
Hugs, Iulia
So glad you added this to the collection... It is just GORGEOUS!!! loved it then and I love it now.. You are the queen of coloring on kraft paper...
and thanks for the tip on the eggs..
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Yüz Germe
So nice to see you posting, Dorcas!
Hope you are fine.
Happy New Year and all the best for you!
Hugs, Anja
Welcome back, Dorcas!! I rrreally missed you (and still miss Stacey)!
It´s good to see a new card from you again - missed your beautifully colored images!!
Sorry for overlooking your post until today - I had my aunt for a visit for a few days and didn´t turn the computer on. We´ve been quite creative during those few days.
Big hug,
PS: Thanks for being the stalking horse - I´ll continue boiling my eggs :-)
Hi, Dorcas!
Happy New Year! I haven't visited your blog for a while (after reading your post, I came to realize why that was) so I thought I would drop by, say hi and tell you I've missed seeing your beautiful work. Glad you're back! This was one of my favorites of your cards last year too. I have always been in awe of your coloring techniques.
I had not read about cooking boiled eggs in the oven but you can bet that after reading about your experiment, I won't be trying it any time soon! LOL!
Hugs, Anne
Hi Dorcas, (waving like mad!)
Well, you may have been away from card making for a while, but you certainly have not lost your touch. This card is wonderful.
I have missed you and Stacey, so it's so nice to see you back. Your sideboard and floor look great. The eggs? Ugh!
Look forward to seeing more of your creations.
Luv, Babs
thought you might like to know we are all still out here waiting for your break to be over, lol
Hope you enjoyed your little break. Your card couldn't be any cuter!!
WOW...your sidebar looks great and you kitchen floor is gorgeous. That stuff really did an awesome job.
Don't you hate it when "cool stuff" on Pinterest doesn't turn out the way you hoped? I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Lol ~jeni :)
yes that's perfect post..i think you are having a good database for that all...this might be helpfull for both of us...thanks so much.
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I love your card. I can see why you chose this one. Perfect as always. I really like coming to a blog and getting to see more about your "world" I love your floors. They don't make them like that anymore. Great idea on the furniture too. The eggs..interesting. Hope all is well with you.
Hey sweet lady. Just checking missing you so much and had to come by and say hi. We're playing with Prismacolor pencils at My Favorite Things and it made me think of you and all your genius. Love the remodels! Hugs and more hugs!
Job well done guys, quality information.
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