Hi Everyone!
I thought you might enjoy playing around with achieving a "metal effect" on kraft cardstcock,so to get started find an image with a chunk of metal you can work on and get some kraft paper to print it out .
I am here using prismacolor pencils in this demonstration but you could use other brands just keep in mind that the names on the pencils will be different. And just a FYI : for metal we would generally use cool grays as opposed to warm (or brownish) grays.
OK! So I've written the steps on the photos below. Have fun!
When you go onto step 2, blend the 70% onto the 90% .You will go over the first layer somewhat and outwards. Just try not to "drown out" the first, darkest layer.
Really we're just taking one full color range of grays and working our way from darkest to lightest.
I just love how the colors start merging now. Its really starting to look like shiny stainless steel.
Ah! I love this! Can you see it coming together? I can almost hear the clang!
OK, so now we're going to grab some of our previously used pencils to blend it out a bit. We don't want any "color transition" streaking.
And reinforcing the darker colors (below)...
Add a few punches of detail....
And the hardest part: knowing when to stop!
I hope you had fun!

A very clever tutorial and with stunning results. hugs Shirleyxxx
Great tutorial Dorcas....and how on earth do you hold and colour with that stubby little white one!!!! LOL
you do some amazing work on kraft. Thanks for the tutorials
That metallic effect is so awesome Dorcas! Another fabulous and easy to follow tute. I love that little nubby white pencil. LOL
My goodness... Is there anything you can't colour?? FABULOUS!
Brilliant colouring, Dorcas.
Tine :)
Wow thanks Dorcas me darlin and it really looks like metal your so clever hunnie hugies June xxxxx
Amazing Dorcas! I need me some pencils I think! :)
Dorcas, it is stunning tutorial, love it.
This is so clever, and so realistic I can almost see my reflection. Great tutorial....now I need more greys lol. Hugs lin
this is truly stunning! I loved this tutorial :) hugs
Thanks for this and for all your tutorials Dorcas! I'm going to buy my prismas (i'm so excited about this :) and i think they will be so useful for me in the near future!
Hugs from Italy, Franz.
Hi Sweetheart! I just got back from a month long vacation and my crafting was nil! So was my blog hopping! So don't think that I forgot you because I didn't, just on a break from the internet! So I am starting to get back into the swing of things and starting to get back to commenting on my fav blogs. Just wondering? Did you ever get your blog reader thing to work for you. I have missed your sweet comments and connecting with you. I just want to say that I love your tutoral today. Love how you lay down the colors. Your way of colouring blows my mind. Always. Just wanted to pop by and say that I miss you and will be back to checking out your blog more often now that I am back. Trying to get some mojo and hoping that it returns so quickly has yours did! Lol. Hugs.
Wauw, that looks great. Thanks for showing us.
This is truly fabulous a big thanks for sharing...now all I need is something metal looking to colour...xx
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