My friend Stacey absolutely HATES snakes and is scared to death of them so I hope she doesn't check out my blog today! LOL I was talking on the phone to my sister this morning and I glanced out the window and saw this rat snake by the porch. (Its ok, don't freak, they're not venomous!)He was about three feet long and rather ....slithery...ok, how else do you describe a snake? LOL You gotta check out his tongue in that first picture...
Something else interesting happened to me today to cheer me. I went grocery shopping and as I was putting my bags in the truck, my daughter and I were approached by an elderly man with icecream on his face holding out a bag to me. He explained that he had bought a box of icecream sandwiches and thought there were only six of them in there but after eating seven, realized that it was actually a pack of ten! LOL He wondered if we might want to finish them as they would melt before he got home. Now, in that situation would YOU eat the icecream sandwiches? He looked harmless enough. Somehow I couldn't picture this man syringing poison into the icecream so.......don't think me desperate, but it was hot...
We ate them.