Hi guys! This is a tutorial I made for my good friend, Annemaritta who is just learning the wonders of coloring. She has asked for some tips and I'm going to do my best to give her a few. :-)
If this tutorial helps anyone else I am very happy for it.
Above you see the supplies.
I use Prismacolor pencils most of the time. The fact is,I've tried several brands of colored pencils and Prismacolors have the softest ,creamiest lead. So if you can find them I would suggest you invest in them.
As you can see, I'm not using many colors here. And my pencils are not the sharpest.
I don't mean them to be.
Start off with very gentle, soft, circular strokes.
Find where your shadows would be (in this case I decided that the sun is coming from the right side, leaving the left of the bunny in shadows.This is where I am going to put down color.
See? You don't see any line marks because we went in light circular motions.
Now we'll continue with the rest of the body.
Pretty easy so far, right?
Now lets get out the goo gone or baby oil. I have put some sqares of felt in a container and poured a bit of goo gone on top to wet the squares. I am not going to saturate my blending stump. I am only going to dab my stump on the felt to moisten my stump.
Lets start with the ear.
From the outside in, work in circular motions to blend your pencil.
Looking nice. Now we'll continue with the rest of the body.
Now, it's looking pretty good but to make it pop we need to darken the shadows a little bit.
Use the same pencil.
Now blend again.
We're not done yet.
We haven't even touched another pencil yet! Lets get out the sepia pencil.
We want to darken the deepest shadows with the sepia pencil.
And you've got it. Blend. :-)
OKay, lets grab one more pencil. A pink pencil for the feetsies.Just do the same as you've been doing.
And the finished wittle bunny wabbit.
I hope you had fun :-)

You make it look so easy! great tutorial!
Dorcas!!! <3 I'm speechless (never thought that would happen, eh?) I keep thinking the same what Stacey said "you make it look so easy!".
Brilliant. Can't wait! :)
(Not so speechless after all, hih.)
Great tutorial! I was just looking to purchase Prismacolor pencils and now I'll know how to use them! Thanks for the useful advice and also CONGRATULATIONS on being chosen for the Design Team at PriscillaStyles! I just got their e-mail update and I saw your name on the new DT list and I don't know any other Dorcas so I knew it must be you! That's fantastic, I know you will be a great contribution to their team and I'm looking forward to seeing some (more) awesome creations by way of here!
I have never used colored pencils. You have inspired me with this great tutorial. Thanks!!!
I have just thought about it last night want to plead to use to share your colouring technique! and yes my pray been answereD! THANK dorcas for the tutorial! by the way based from what i see..it means that you dont really colour the whole image-for example the bunny head..the lightest shade-do you colour it or just leave it white? i always tempt to colour the whole image-that is why my image always dark...lol
You might already know that this guide is now printed and it follows me almost everywhere.
Highly recommended. x
Great tutorial, thank you. I never knew you could use Goo Gone to blend Prismacolor Pencils, and you picked a cute image to show us with.
Thanks for the tutorial Dorcas! I am in awe of your coloring skills, so I appreciate you sharing your talents with the rest of us. That is the cutest bunny ever!
Thank you Dorcas for your wonderful tutorial my 13 yr old is lovin' it. he just got a 132 count of prisma's and can't wait to use them.
I found your tutorial on Pinterest, and it's wonderful! Thank you! :)
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I mainly use Copics and Promarkers, but wanted to invest in some Prismacolour pencils but needed some tips on how to use them effectively - well you did it - thanks Dorcus :)
Kaz Bee x
fabulous tutorial! Love the idea to use the small rubbermaid container for the solvent!
Same way I am also using various pencil for different types of art and craft subject. Painting with pencil is such a easy and wonderful way to do clear and neat work.
I love this! I had never thought of doing that before. I haven't done much with colored pencil but I would love to get into it. Does it have to be prismacolor? Or can it be any kind of colored pencil...Cause I cant really affored to use the expensive ones.
I REALLY like your tutorials. I am a beginner with Prismacolor pencils but with your tutorials I am able to color with amazing results. Thanks A LOT
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. This gives me a new and much prettier way to use my Prismacolors.
Hi Dorcas! Found this tutorial on Pinterest and I was like, "Hey, I know her". Lol Had to check out your post. Baby oil? I had no idea, gotta try it. ~jeni :)
Beautiful, just beautiful. Question- does the baby oil or goo gone spread and make an oil stain on the work. Thanks for the tip
By chance, do you remember who's image this cute bunny is? I would love to find him and use him, too! Thanks so much!
Hi Phyllis,
THis rabbit is a rubber stamp by Lili Of The Valley. :)
Sorry to ask a dumb question, but... Is there a difference between your prismacolor pencils and water color pencils?
Hi Teena,
There IS a difference (watercolor pencils have a watersoluable pigment) but you could still use them as you would prismacolors if you don't wet them. I have never tried them with a blending oil so I'm not sure how it would react. I would be interested in finding out though. :)
Love it! Thanks!
Can you make a tutorial on how to draw that cute bunny?
Just Beautiful! What kind of paper and ink is the best to use with watercolor pencils. Thanks :)
Great tutorial. thanks for this. i have a question: how do you make the outlines? with what pencil? and on what paper do you work?
Thanks for sharing this awesome tutorial!! Janet recommended we check out your tutorial!! Glad I stopped by, I'll be back!!
Hugs Giggles
Awesome tutorial! I cannot wait to get my prismacolors down and play.
Hi! What kind of paper do you recommend using? Bristol board?
This is really a neat way to blend with colored pencil, but I was wondering if the oil causes a stain on the paper? does it bleed through? and will it last or will it cause a slow deterioration of the paper? Since Goo Gone is a solvent I just wonder about these things. Also, what kind of paper do you use with this technique?
Thanks again!
thank you so much for sharing this! It is very clear and easy to understand. Can't wait to try it.
Wouw you changed my life:) So glad I can use Baby oil. Now you can also color digi stamps without the lines are gonna bleed.
But can you please tell me what ink you are stamping with? I used Stazon and Versafine, but they both bleed when I start to rub the baby oil over it.
Thanks so much for answering;)
now that it has been a couple of years, I am wondering if you have gone back to look at this and check what sort of damage the Goo Gone had done to the paper!
Absolutely fun, indeed! Thanks for the tutorial.Elena
I have just gotten back into using colored pencils and was totally unaware of this technique! I am very excited - and a little scared! - to give it a try!
Thank you! I love your blog, is beautiful!
What type of paper stock are you using? I couldn't imaging either baby oil or goo gone NOT leaving an oil ring or stain. Please respond to bpiersante@summitchristian.com Thanks
Really like this technique but also curious about the last question. Could you please share here?
What type of paper did you stamp on?
What type of paper did you stamp on?
I've run into the same question. This is similar to how I work with watercolor pencils and watercolors in general. I also wonder, what kind of paper are you using?
This is of great help to me, thanks, I am only now starting with pencils. Thanks
Best video I've seen so far..and so helpful. Thanks so much for sharing!!
Oh, yes, what kind of paper are you using? I'm buying watercolor 140 lb but it all seems to be "bumpy." Suggestions?
Yo Saundra - where you see a video? You must be watchin something else?
Who buys 140lb watercolor paper for colored pencil use? You want smooth butt cheek paper for pencil baby... get that bristol stuff and never look back.
BTW: Prismas are junk now ... do a search.. you'll seee... Polychormos are now the best... oil based too so no nasty bloom stuff.
Thank U Help Me Alot To Improve My Coloring Skills I Highly Suggest That U Make Yourself A Youtube Channel And I will be Ur First Fan Oks Pls
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