Hi Everyone! I'm Kate! I'm Ashley! LOL
Ok, so you all need to have mercy on me. This is the first crochet pattern I've done that make something 3 dimentional. It was a bit daunting and there were places that I had to rip out more than once but overall it came out quite good, I think. The hardest part is actually sewing all the bits together without making it look like a duck version of Frankenstein.
As you can see, some parts are a little strange but I like to say that Ashley just had a few collagen injections. :-)
My inspiration came from Tamara's wonderful blog. She does marvelous things with yarn, you gotta check her out sometime. Just don't compare her lovely ducks with mine. lol Remember I'm new and you gotta be nice. :-)
Oh! By the way, if you'd like to make this pattern, you can find it for free here.
OK, back to cards!

Sooooooooooooooooo Adoooooooorable!!!!!
I just love these cuties! Wherever are you finding all this spare crafty time,I need tips on time management lol! Have a quacking week,Julie.x
They came out good! I'm not just saying that to be nice! Yu are way too critical, no one would know these were your first! They are very cute! I think they are keepers. (Until the next thousand and you find ones you like better.) You need to make one for every duck you have and then 25 more for the new ones! You're up for it. I saw on somebody's site, crocheted eggs in a carton. They would represent your babies!
Oh, so cute - I'm seriously impressed!!
oh wow hun how super cute ar these gosh I cant do anything like this and really admire,people that can,brill job hun hugs cheryl xxxxx
They're sooooooooo cute. I've never done anything but baby blankets, shawls and afghans. Great job. I love how you can identify Ashley! Hugs, dj
Wow I love Kate and Ashley,they are sooooo cute.xxx
Oh Dorcas you did make me smile. These two are totally adorable, although I do prefer your "real live" ducks and cannot wait to see your "Eggs" turn inot little babies. I love your crochet ducks tho! Debbiexx
Awwwwww.... hihih, really cute. Can I assume you like ducks?
(btw, I'm working on tissue box...)
These are sooooooooooo cute Dorcas - you really have got the nack of this crochet lark! Absolutely LOVE 'em!!
Hugs, Sylvia xxx
How sweet are these!! What a great pair!
- Ann
I keep coming back, those two are so adorable :)
Cute! I love these! (and I can see the pic)
These are just too cute!!! Love them!
I hope you don't mind if I told my friend to check these out? She loves to crochet and would find these so adorable.
Way cute! I can't crochet, knit or sew but I can bake if that counts for anything?
These are adorable!!! Would you quit being so incredibly creative!!! Geez-is there anything you can't do?!
OMGoodness, how cute are these?? absolutely adorable. fabulous project, Dorcas!!
Kate and Ashley, you´re the cutest ducks I´ve ever seen!!!
How sweet, they are so cute!!!
You have done a great job!!!
I can't figure out how you made the stitches of the body. Did you work in rounds???
But it doesn't matter, they are so adorable!!! Also when I look close ;-)!
Hug Tamara.
ohhhh i just love this cutie duckie! cant resist to touch it!! :) if you want to sell it please let me know :P...this is just soo cutie
i love duck as well :)
Oh Dorcas those ducks are so cute, you are one talented and clever lady. With hugs Shirleyx
OH your two ducks are adorable.I bought all the stuff to make little miniature teddy bears and the darn pattern is just too large. I have looked everywhere for a FREE pattern for this size of teddy! I just love these cuties! You did a PERFECT job!
Ahhh Dorcas, how gorgeous are these!! you've done a lovely job on these little fella's, so cute, love'um!!
Hugs Jacee
Dorcas, I have an award for you! Please go over to my blog and pick it up!
The little duckies are adorable and you did excellent, gal!
So very cute, I love them and will pop over for the pattern. I always go for the more 'individual' looking soft toy myself...I have a large collection of 'individual' teddies. When pea was little I made her a fur fabric panda...I cut out two left legs....and no fabric left. I used both legs, and as the one was up in the air I made it a tutu and called it a balletrina lol. Happy accidents lol. Hugs lin
Well done Dorcas. They are adorable.
Tine :)
These are way too cute! Great job Dorcas. You are a truly talented crafter. You do well at everything. I tend to skip around in my crafting too. I'll do something until I can't stand it anymore then go to something else. I like the variety you have on your blog. Very inspiring and refreshing.
Awww, Dorcas, these are as cute as can be.
awwwww...how adorable!! Should definitely try, kids would love these!! And I found a collection of crocheting needles from the beginning of last century while sorting through Mom's stuff which are now in a little wooden box in my craft room...would be a pity just to leave them there..
oh my goodness these are soooo adorable!!! i'm sure they will be well-loved!! =)Tiffany
Breakfast at Tiffany's
These are darling!! ~jeni :)
OMG these are the cutest things ever, I am literally drooling over this pair, love them!
Morning Dorcas x Just had to come and see what you have been up to and get my 'Dorcas Fix' - fabulous work as always with a definite Aww factor - Kate and Ashley are so cute !! Also wanted to thank you for your kind messages. Hugs xxx
These are lovely, Dorcas! Gosh, you are so darn talented! They came out as if you've been doing this your entire life!
Hugs, Iulia
Dorcas, you did such a good job on those. They are so cute!
How have you been? Hugs to the family.
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