I am Sooo excited!
Nothing's more fun than receiving a box in the mail except this: thinking you haven't got a package and then having your mail lady turn around and honk the horn! I could kiss her! (and I am most definately NOT the kissy type!)
As excited as I am you would think this box is from Joann Crafts or something but it's not~ As you see the writing says LIVE EMBRYOS!!
And that means EGGS and EGGS Mean DUCK BABIES!!!
OKay, they DO look a little cacky and that's cos they well, technically, uh, well they ARE!
But they just come out that way and you shouldn't wash them if you're going to hatch them cos the shells are porous and you can introduce bacteria and kill the fetuses if you clean them.
So we leave their little messy bottoms.:-)
And below is my latest baby- sitting- money- aquisition:
An incubator!
Complete with automatic egg turner.
So that's my exciting news for the day!
I will let you know how my babies progress. Full gestation is 28.5 days, so when they start pecking I'll take more pictures. :-D

Oh wow!! How eggciting Dorcas(sorry couldn't resist the pun. Can't wait to see more pics as your babies arrive. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for them.
Good luck
Wow, how amazing - ducks by mail! Jo x
I was so excited too when I saw the word spring, and the package...how lovely to wait for them to hatch. Wish I was there with you. Hugs lin
OOOOH, now that IS eggciting news! Hope all goes well. I'll tell my two Chooks what you're up to . . . I'm sure they'll be thrilled!
Hugs, Sandra
You will have to show us when the babies arrive.xxx
Oh my gosh. This is FUN! I can't wait to see the ducklings either.
Dorcas, this is so awesome. Please keep us updated and I can't wait to see the babies.
Are we eggaggerating? No, this is eggstremely nice :)
Take good care of your new babies and it would be nice to see more pics <3
WOW that is the best thing I have seen for ages!!
I just love the thought of you and your egg turning incubator, good job you. How many will survive out of all them you have? All I hope, cannot wait to see what will happen next....I think that parcel is so much better than getting a box of crafting goodies (and thats saying something).
Fingers crossed all is good. Debbiexx
oh this is awesome hun cant wait to see,what happens,next,hugs cheryl xxx
Oh wow,your gonna be a mummy!!!!
Need some help with names?
Lucky Ducky you. :) have a great evening,Julie x
Ой как здорово!!! :))) какая прелесть! Вы молодец! и мы тут в России тоже будем ждать появления птенцов! :)))
What Belinee said... I think! Very exciting! I was with you till the cack part! I know our eggs come from the butt, but it is not often we see the evidence! OK if my math serves me right, if you do two batches of these little guys, 28.5 days + 28.5 days is 57= next day blogoversary!! Just got to time it right! You'll have so many ducks you can start giving them away as candy! Just minus the cack not a great candy!
this is so cool, Dorcas!! definitely wont to know the progress!!! does your cats like the baby ducks?? =)
The nursery is ready and we are waiting for the happy event(s) Dorcas xxx
Oh my goodness.. this is so interesting.. I have never heard of this before.. do you live on a farm? what do u do with the chicks? I would love to do this.. so exciting!!
Looking forward to seeing the new arrivals, how exciting!
Hugs Jacee
Very exciting news Indeed!
YEAH!!! Your gonna have babies!!! I can't wait!! :D
This is just soo amazing..i cant wait the spring duckies! must update me ya! :)
Can´t wait to see the fluffy baby-ducks!
Hey Dorcas...this is pretty cooooool! I'm learning so much about you! hehehe! Now I'm adding "duck mama" to the list of who you are! Hugs. Pat Frank
omg, how cool!!!
totally intimidating for a clutz like me but wow...I am so looking forward to baby pics!!
Years ago when we were looking for a house to buy we saw one with a lovely big plot and loads of outbuildings and I had this dream of opening the boarding kennels there and also start fostering rescue dogs. Unfortunately the house was in total sticks and I wasn't driving back then so didn't happen...pity.
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