You know, Bill Engvall always used to say (and I always agreed with him) that stupid people should just wear a sign that says "I'm stupid" to save 'the rest of us' frustration in dealing with stupid people. Now like I said, I always used to agree with him..Til today.
Today it was my turn. :)
I went to get my haircut (about an hour away) and then reward myself by checking out a few craft stores while I was at it. (yes, I need to reward myself. I hate getting my hair cut). Well today was just one of those days where nothing goes right. I checked out the craft stores and could find nothing. Anyway, after leaving Hobby Lobby I realize (quite frantically) that my keys are not in my bag. I retraced my steps all through the store and even asked the cashier if I left them on the counter. Nope. Worst thing was, I went to the car and peered inside and STILL couldn't see them, so I was beginning to really panic.
Anyway, I call AAA (for once I brought the cell phone with me ~ another thing I hate to do, ) and they said someone would be there 'within an HOUR and could you please stay with the car'. An HOUR!! I could be a frozen block of ice by then! Windy too!
To cut a long story short, the AAA guy eventually came and got the car unlocked (took him forever, I was surprised as I thought a coat hanger would do the trick on our old banger) anyway I found my keys under my coat (which I also left in the car, I was too clever for my own good today ) and I set off for home.
As I neared home (I had an hour to think things over as I drove) I suddenly realized that, you know,.....I used to carry a spare car key in my bag for occasions like this...just in case I ever was so stupid as to lock my keys in the car......I wonder if.....could it still be in my purse......
It was.
Here's your sign!
*on telling my hubby about the spare key and AAA he laughed (of course) but then sheepishly admitted to having locked the keys in the car several years ago and he also called AAA. But after waiting for some time for them to arrive he suddenly saw that the passenger window was rolled down. All the way down.
See he wears a sign too!

Still chuckling. Thank you for sharing. Sorry this happened but I am glad you have the ability to laugh at yourself and share with others. Have a great evening. :)
Don't you just love those days. I have to say I loved your post, I too have locked myself out but on that day roadside assistance was also wearing a sign as they opened someone elses car.
I thought I was having "One Of Those Days", but after reading about your's, Dorcas, mine doesn't seem so bad after all. Thanks for the the giggle & encouragement.
So funny Dorcas. Believe me, there's plenty of days I should be wearing a "stupid" sign.
LMBO I think your husband wins this one. :-) I have one of those signs with my name engraved on it! Mwahaha
hahahaha... What a funny story. Your husbands too :)
If you have to be stranded then Hobby Lobby is the place to be! So sorry, but we have all been there. I too have had a spare in purse and forgot how brilliant I was! LOL
lol Dorcas.... we've all had moments like that :) I locked my keys in the car once, and had forgotten to even turn it off! LOL... luckily my car at the time didn't have auto door locks and I had missed locking one of the back doors, phew! Took me a few minutes to realize it though!
Haha, great story, I think everyone has a story like that of his own.
Oh, Dorcas!!! I am glad you can laugh about it now, but I can imagine the panic! I think we all have days like that though at some point - unfortunately....
Glad it had a happy ending.
Tine :)
Lol This is too Cute. Oh My god, I think we all can wear this sign. I know i can. The hubby and the window down is the super funniest lol
Today will be a better today
Oh dear Dorcas not a happy thing to happen when its cold. My hubby did the same thing and had to wait for over an hour for the AA to come and help him, it was difficult car to open but did manage in the end. Maybe he should wear one of those signs. hugs Shirleyxxxx
Toooooo funny!! :-)))
LOL! I did a similar thing with my work keys a while back.. I walked all the way to my bosses house to get hers in a panic and them later on that day I found my keys.. in a different compartment of my handbag than the one I normally use, doh!
Helen x
Lol. Sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but that was funny. Even more was your husbands story!
Nothing funnier than real life! Bless you haing such a great sense of humor. I m sorry, however, that you had that long, old,anxious wait.
What a great story, Dorcas! I have worn that little sign a few times myself over the years but thankfully the occasions have been few and far between. I'm doing my monthly catch up on blog visits and you were at the top of my list. I'm loving all your recent cards and will leave comments on my very favorites before I move along.
Take care,
Thanks for the laugh. I think we all have our moments...
That sinking feeling you get when you realize you don't have your keys with you is not fun. I locked myself out of my car once: put my keys in my purse as I was taking stuff out of the trunk so I wouldn't misplace them, gathered what I needed for the day, then decided to switch my wallet to my big bag and not carry my purse, as I didn't need anything else in it anyway.
Worse part is, I didn't realize any of this until I came back to the car with my mom to grab a sweater during lunch time. The minute we rounded the corner and I touched my empty pocket, the events replayed in my mind and I immediatly remembered the keys were in my purse - safely locked IN the car.
We also had to wait for an hour for CAA (the Canadian version) to get there. Actually, they got to us within the next half-hour, but then got in the wrong parking and kept searching for us there!
Anyway, you're not alone. We all share the sign from time to time. As long as it doesn't become a permanent fixture, I'm good with it! :)
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