Monday, April 18, 2011


This picture says it all, doesn't it?
A few pics from the local newspaper.....
It missed us by less than 1 mile.
Sub-development where some of  our friends lived :

And our other friend's house. her and her two grandkids were inside but survived without a scratch:

Lowes Home Improvement below 2 pics:

And a couple of short videos...

We're all ok though......


~Denise Lynn~ said...

Oh Dorcas! There are no words. Happy you are OK, but saddened for all those who were not as lucky.

Annemaritta said...

Horrible :( It is good to know you are okay but it has been devastating and many lost lives :( You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs from here.

patriziawithaz said...

Thank God you and your family are okay Dorcas x My thoughts too are with those who have suffered x

Debra said...

Oh my gosh Dorcas! *hugs to you, your family and friends* I am so glad you let us know you are ok.

dolcreations said... glad you are ok. My heart goes out to the families that have to go thru this.

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

They give me chills every time I see these. It is hard because we know some of these people, and it hit so close to home. Much closer to you though. I just sent you a pic of Sis Shaw's house.

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

Just saw that you already have it, sorry.

Michelle said...


My heart goes out to all those affected. I'm so glad that you and your family are safe.

We had to evacuate our home last month because of Cyclone Yasi here in Queensland Australia. Thankfully our home was spared.

Kind regards

Unknown said...

Это ужасно! Я из России, и у нас много говорят об этом в новостях.. Я сочувствую. Слава Богу торнадо обошел ваш дом!!! ведь всего миля!!

karen irvine said...

thank God you are ok! I have family in N.C. am praying they are all okay as well. i lived in fayetteville for 26 years and never saw a tornado! just lots of rain and wind.

Arlene said...

Wow... nature can be quite violent. Glad you're ok.

CanadianScraps43 said...

Wow sweetie that is terrible. Praising God for your safe keeping. Your friends will be in my thoughts and prayers. So sorry for their lost. Sooo glad that you are okay. Big hugs.

Trina said...

Dorcas, I know you must be relived that your family is okay but heart-broken for your friends! Praying that life can get back to normal quickly for you all!

Sherry Kushibab said...

Thinking of you and glad you are okay....have a friend who was 10 miles away...those kind of storms come so quickly. We had a tornado 17 miles from here New Years Eve. Everyone is in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're OK and prayers for everyone effected by this. Blessings, Lori m

heidy said...

This is scarry Dorcas,I saw it on the news in the netherlands
Glad your ok and my thoughts are with you and your lovedones!
Hugs Heidy

Alice said...

sending you big hugs, Dorcas. so glad to hear that you are all safe. my heart goes out to the victims...

Tine said...

Hi Dorcas. So glad you are all safe and how your friend and her grandchildren came out without a scratch is truly a miracle. Our thoughts & prayers are with all those not as lucky as yourselves.
Tine :)

Linda Wescott said...

The pictures bring it to home. Can only imagine the awfulness of living with it all and seeing the devastation every day. Keeping you all in prayer. Much love lin

Ulina / Apricot Bubbles said...

So terrible! :-((

Roxann said...

This is devastating!!! It just makes me want to cry for everyone. I will be saying prayers for all affected by this horror.

Jacee said...

How awful Dorcas, but thank goodness you are all alright, I hope your friends and neighbours soon recover and start to pick their lives up again.
Extra big hugs, Jacee

Tammy said...

How absolutely devastating!! WOW, words cannot express my sorrow for the families that lost so much. I'm so glad you are okay sweetie!!!

Nannieflash said...

Oh Dorcas that is awful, I do hope all your nearest and dearest are save.
My BIL is still having after shocks in New Zealand and he says hes fed up with them. with hugs Shirleyxxx

Dotty Jo said...

Goodness - what can I say? My heart just goes out to everyone involved, Jo x

Marianne Reijgersberg said...

Oh Dorcas those pictures says indead everyting. It was on the news here in the Netherlands. Of course I'm glad you and your family are oke, but I feel so sorry for al those family's, those have to deal with lost. I don't know what to do, but you al are in my thoughts.
Big, big hug

Dawn B. said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of my neighbors to the east. This is heartbreaking. I am so glad that you are all okay..

Mina said...

oh my goodness Dorcas all that devastation and heart goes out to those people affected...thank heavens your family are safe and sound
Mina xxx

Barbara said...

Dorcas, thank God you and your family and your friends are ok. Everytime I see these pictures I am at a loss fot words.

Faye said...

Mahoosive hugs for you my darling. xxx

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

I am so glad you are okay....we lived in NC a while back and had a tornado happen not to far from us was so scary. I hope your friends are all okay too...

SIde happy note: I LOVVVVE your ducks!!! We have a family pet, Sir Francis Drake and he is the most hilarious little guy. :) We just had 12 ducklings hatch too...

Annika said...

I have been thinking about you a lot - although I have been very conspicuously absent from commenting. I'm not even going into that.
Is it very wrong to say that although I am horrified about what happened, I am still delighted that you and your family are OK and
Big Hugs

Laura (sandytoz) said...

Wow, I guess I didn't realize how close that storm was to you all. How many homes were destroyed? So glad to see that Sister Shaw & her grandchildren came out without a scratch. Please give love & hugs to our brothers & sisters from the "badlands of Iowa".

Jessie/knightrone said...

WOW...we had two tornadoes go through my small town a week or more ago, and it was so scary. I've been through several storms, and few tornadoes, in my life, but I have always been lucky to make it through unscathed. I am happy to hear that none of your friends got hurt, and I wish them well on putting the pieces back together. I don't envy anyone having to do that.

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