It's bath time!! Yay!
The babies are now 6 days old and its time for their first taste of water.
Our daughter is here loading the babies in the "duck bus" (above).
At first they were really freaked out but within about ten seconds were diving under the water and swimming all over the place.
They love to get absolutely drenched.
I only kept them in about five minutes cos I didn't want them to get waterlogged.
Time to get dried off......
Awwwwww so sweet and soggy!!
And in case you want a better idea of what bathtime is like , I took a little video clip below. You've got to turn the volume up so you can hear all the racket. lol They're girls, remember?
I , personally tried to be quiet but our daughter chatted through the whole thing. :-/
Have a great week everyone, I'll see you around!

That is beyond adorable! They are the cutest! Love the video! They are very happy gals!
oh hun how adorable are they oh so cute bless them,and your girls really had fun great video hun hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxxxx
Aww bless, happy times all round I'd say ))
They're adorable!!! I loved hearing them chirp, and it was so funny watching them dart around in the water. Hugs, dj
They are so adorable!! Thank you so much for the clip; it was wonderful to see them in motion. I'm sure that from now on whenever I hear the phrase, "They took to it like ducks to water" I'll be thinking of this wonderful clip.
That was a great watch! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.
Delightful! Jo x
Those are so cute! Have you named them all yet?
Awwwwwwwwww they are so cute, must be a lot of fun for them and you............hehehe
Enjoy the day!!
lotsa luv
Oh Dorcas,they're so adorable!
Hugs Heidy
Sooo sweet!!!
Watching your video was a nice way to start this Monday morning :-)
wauw a realey enjoy the vidio and fotoo,s this is soooo cute!!!!
xx petra
Oooooooo.... they are soooooo cute!!!! :)
That was fab to watch,great pics too,my ears are hurting now,them cheeps are so high pitched.
jane,bob and alfie the poodle say thanks for sharing your pets.
This is just too cute they are so adorable! Bet they are fun hugs Rebekah xx
they are so cute
hugs linda
How CUTE! :) They look adorable! I think it was sooo much fun to watch them swimming for the first time!
As Uli said, what a great way to start the day. So enjoyed watching them. Hugs lin
Totally adorable! Thanks for bringing a smile to my day :)
The chicks are so adorable! Loved the pics and the video - you've definitely brought me a smile this morning!
They are gorgeous Dorcas. I love the way they stick together going from one side to the other. Just as well you didn't put the jacuzzi bubbles on! LOL.
Tine :)
BIG "Awwwww...." That just gave me the warm fuzzies today, thanks! ~jeni :)
Oh Dorcas, how totally adorable! I want one, but don't think they'd get through the post very well! Have a great week. xxx
Awwww,thanks for sharing this Dorcas,they are so adorable,makes me feel all gooey inside,melts the heart! Hope you have a great week,Julie.x
Dorcas! This cracks me up!!!! My pup would have a fun time playing with the duckies! How cute are they!!!!
Hugs, Dena
Love the video and pics of your little ducklings. My daughter and I enjoyed the video together, she is eight. Guess what she wants for her birthday......
I just love it, the video is so cute and they are all adorable, thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Lori m
Fabby - cute !! Showed Josh the video and he was so excited watching and listening to the antics of your little babies x
Dorcas, these babies are so adorable. Thank you for sharing your pictures and video.
Thank you so much for brightening my day! Wish I lived closer to you as I would ask to bring my grandson to see them.
Oh Dorcas they are gorgeous no wonder you are in love with them I would be to, they are so cute and so fast, Im surprised you managed to catch them all. with hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx
Ahh how adorable Dorcas, so sweet, cheered me up seeing these lovely little things, makes me want one, our dog might have other ideas on that idea though. LOL
Hugs Jacee
OH my gosh...this is fun. I would love to have baby chicks like these ducklings. Your video is so cute. I bet the whole family really enjoys this. Super sweet.
awww.... they are so cute!! love love this fun post, Dorcas! thanks for sharing!
I so enjoyed watching that video! I loved how some of them would go streaking across the tub…cute!
How cute they are! Now after this I would love to raise some ducks myself:) You would make a great adverstiser...hehe!
I bet they were pooped out after that fun adventure in the tub... They were really having a ball weren't they! Thanks for sharing there water fun with us... it was a true Joy!
Oh, my goodness! These ducklings are precious!!!
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