Hi Blogging Buddies!
I hope your week has started off well. Mine is improving.You'll see why.
In my post about the egg hatching you all might remember my story about Fiona. Well , I'm happy to report that she is doing well and is very spunky. (My daughter named her Fiona, I would have called her Tina as she's a real rocker at heart and kind of struts about the place. lol ) Anyway, in that post you may also recall that Fiona had a sibling who was hatched crippled.
This is the story of Mephibosheth.
I didn't go into detail about him/her before because I didn't expect him to live. He was hatched with still much of his yolk unabsorbed and so was attached to his cord and shell. Eyes closed and unresponsive. I came close to putting him down but in the end I didn't have the heart to.
I'm glad now because Mephibosheth is a fighter.
Have a look at those splayed and clubbed toes. Poor little blighter.
But this guy is a trooper. Just look where he's come from.(below) Mephibosheth is the duckling on the right still half in his shell.
Amazingly enough, he managed to absorb his yolk after about 12-18 hours and surprised me when I looked in the brooder and saw him on the other side of it. I asked my daughter "Did you move him?" "No!" He managed to crawl across the brooder on his own. I was flabbergasted! I figured that a duck that fights that strong deserves a second chance. I'm ashamed to say that I had given up on him too soon.
So! After much research, (isn't the internet wonderful!) I found that if you give a crippled bird pedialite and niacin (and some other vitamins) in its water it can help correct some leg issues if the leg issues were due to nutritional deficiencies.We don't know what caused his legs to be like this except that he was born late (but so was Fiona and she's fine).
Also, you can make a brace out of micropore or another First Aid tape to help support its legs and put them in a better position while they grow.
You can see the brace below. It just kinda lines the hips up. Before, Mephibosheth would crawl and his legs would be splayed out on either side, but with the brace on he can sit up a bit better and lay normally.
He may never be able to be truly "free". I.e. he may be in a pen for his entire life, but some who've raised a "special needs" duck say that a crippled duck can go on to live quite happy lives if well supervised and looked after.
By the way, peas are high in Niacin and ducks love them. :-) They can eat them at one day old if you mash them well. Yum Yum!
OK, so I know you're wondering why I name him Mephibosheth. LOL
As you know, I like to read my bible and the accounts about David are some of my favorites. Well, David's closest friend was Jonathan and when Jonathan was killed in battle, David asked if there was any one left of Jonathan's family that he could show special kindness to. As it turned out, Jonathan had one son who was lame in his feet from birth and his name was (you guessed it), Mephibosheth. :-) Its a beautiful account found in 2 Samuel chapter 9.
My daughter just calls him "Fibby" as she has trouble with Mephibosheth.
It is a mouthful but as in his upbringing we're just going to take it one bite at a time.
Hope you enjoyed seeing him and I'll post more pics as all the spring babies grow up.

Oh, what an encouraging little guy! And you gave him a perfect name!
Such a heartwarming story! Can't wait for the next chapter! X
Oh, that´s really a heartwarming story! I´m happy that he´s alive and I know you´ll look after him very good! Love your name-choice! :-)
Thanks for posting all these pictures - I really enjoy them - I´m a real townee, so I never watched baby-ducks from so "near".
In summertime we often go to a certain lake for swimming and relaxing - and I love all the ducks there - they run across the meadow and enjoy life there :-)
I am so lad he came thru, what a fighter, you are so special to them and i love reading what happens, will be back for more .......:))))
lotsa luv
Hi Dorcas,
Been trying for over two hours to leave you and others a comment....My pc has lost it's dashboard icon and It won't let me leave you a comment (Unless this is successful)
Your ducky's are adorable, hope all goes ok, fingers crossed for you, and with a "Mummy" like you, they cannot go wrong. Dx
Oh my God, what an incredible little duck! All the best for Mephibosheth! Love all your wonderful pictures from the ducks, can't wait to read some news about them!
Hugs Michi
Awwww...yay!! Hope he continues to improve. Isn't the internet wonderful? Keep us posted. ~jeni :)
I'm really touched. Love, that you gave us a chance to live this with you. :)
Thanks for sharing that lovely story Dorcas. I'm so glad you gave him another chance and I really enjoy seeing the pictures and hearing about your ducks.
Your story brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely little baby he is. I am an avid animal lover. I am totaly in love with him. Thank you for sharing such a touching and loving story, and showing such kindness and love of the smaller critters in our world..
He is a sweetie. Glad he is getting stronger! Hope the peas help! I think she is a Tina too! Esp. with her rocker hair! Always loved that account in the bible too!
oh what a,heartfelt story hun,so glad he is getting stronger,hope the peas help take care hun hugs cherylxxxxx
This really touch me, so heartwarming. Glad Fibby is doing so well (I have trouble with his name too lol) Hugs lin
Hi Dorcas you are an old softy like me, I had a yorkie dog that was brain damaged and she was gorgeous, she would run in circles and couldnt run straight, and neither could I get her house trained, luckily she was only small so the end results werent to bad. She lived for about 4 years but unfortunately she choked on some cheese she found and I didnt find her till it was to late. She never chewed anything, I was heart broken and blamed myself. with hugs Shirleyxxxxx
What a tough little guy! Who know what great things may come from little Fibby. LOL I really IS amazing what kind of info you can find on the net. Whoda thunk you could find instructions for fixing his little legs. Amazing! Can't wait to see how he progresses.
P.S. Bet you can't say that name five times fast. hee hee
Beautiful story and sweet little critter. So glad he and Fiona are doing well!
thank you so much for sharing your stories, Dorcas. i love reading them and this is is so touching. so glad that you decided to keep him and fight with him! he is amazing and so as you! =)
Hi ya, Just wondering how Duckie is doing today xx Samantha xx
What a lovely story to share! Thanks!
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