Look what arrived today in the mail! Isn't it sweeeeeet?
120 luscious colors and yes, I know they come in 132 but hey 120 is still alot of colors and besides, I got a good deal!!
Close up. See. I am not lying.. 120 colors!
But just so you don't get too jealous, let me tell you I wasn't 100% happy with this.
For one thing, some pencils are bent. (that's just wrong!)
Also, the plastic cases don't nest perfectly so it's actually impossible to close the lid tightly. Its almost like the top layer is from a different set, the corners are rounded instead of square and it does not FIT!!
(I guess it fit when I got it because it was shrinkwrapped.)
Even with a good deal, they're still expensive so I would have at least expected to have a tin big enough to house the pencils....Not happy about that.
But enough already. Lets have a trip down memory lane.
My original Prismacolor set. A present from my mum when I was about 13. They no longer fit in the tin when they got shorter so they ended up in a decorated tuna fish can.
You can see below that many of my pencils are still quite decent....
While others are pathetic...
I could have relaced the ones that were worn out and bought my missing colors but sometimes its cheaper to buy a new set than individuals. And I was thinking of the age old problem of storage...
So overall I was happy today.
My printer broke.
This is catastrophe guys. Broken belt on the carriage. Almost impossible to replace, I could try to stick it back together but I can't get at the stupid thing even after undoing the screws. I read online how one guy sewed his belt back together....I would try it if I could get it out.
I'll let you know what I end up doing. (Cos I know you're just holding your breath.NOT! lol)

Dorcas,if you contact Sanford at 800-323-0749 they may tell you how you can get some, if not all, items replaced. I've had my 132 piece set for over a year and several of the pencils just didn't sharpen well (i.e. as soon as you would sharpen them the lead fell out, or the pencil cracked)so I figured why not give them a call. And he told me to send back the ones that were bad and they would replace them at no charge (they said they would also refund what I paid for shipping). I hope it works out for you as well. Hugs, dj
Should I say awwwwwhhhhh... :D I am, I am! Congratulations and I'm sure those pencils are sharp enough to know it is going to be very colourful life ahead :)
(and I thought 72 is "many")
Oh my oh my ,, god luck with the replacement dorcas,,,,,I hate when this Things happens in the most incredible moment,,,,
I love your Prisma Crayons,, i want a box,, i want,,,,,,,wowwww,,,,,I am curious about how are Them.
I agree with Debbie! They are too expensive not to be fully satisfied. Even at a good deal. Hope the printer thing works out. Probably cheaper to get a new one. They are much cheaper now than they used to be. If not i have I can loan you. Just ink is not cheap
Congrats on the new pencils and hope you get good customer support on the ones that were bent! Bummer about your printer too, if it's not a little fix I'll bet you could get a new one pretty reasonable!
Hugs, Marsha
OK, the printer thing is a total bummer! Fingers crossed you'll get it sorted.
I have the same set of Prismas and same problem with the lid. And some of them don't sharpen well. No bent ones though. I couldn't get any replacements, bought them on Ebay, from States to Europe.
D'y know what's a real bitch though? Sharpening 120 pencils in a row.
OMG...I had that set in my hand yesterday at Michael's and they were half price. Never using the Prismacolors before, I opted for the 48 case. After seeing your tutorial I had to buy some. Your coloring is awesome, and I really think I prefer them over the Copics. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sorry about your printer woes. I know I'll be there soon as my printer is getting old.
wow! new pencils...lovely...such an eye candy to me. just wondering why prismacolour so popular in US..it is hard to get this in here..(well i dont plan to have one..but ever thought wnat to get it last time), by the way i hope you also get the replacement soon.
and i suggest get new printer since you lov digi soo much ^_^
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