well what a surprise this was!
Not the attitude part, but the award part. lol
Illeana from 'all things that make me happy' nominated me for the blog with tude award.
Thanks Illeana!
To claim this reward I need to tell you all three things about my crafty side.
1) My biggest shopping weekness is color related. I tend to collect all products related to coloring: inks, pencils (lots!) markers , crayons and pens. But when I find 'the perfect one' (for me)I tend to stick to it. So it was a good thing I found prismacolors sooner rather than later.
2) I'm a little impetuous and adventurous so tend to move from one thing to the next fairly quickly . (no surprise for most of you) I call them crafting 'episodes'.
3) I have no problem tearing into a new paperpack or wearing down new pencils. I figure that's what they're for and can't do it soon enough! lol
I am supposed to nominate this to five others which is really too hard.
You all inspire me in different ways and I simply can't choose. Nope. Can't do it.
So what I would like to do is this: (yes breaking rules is my number 4. lol)
Whoever reads this is entitled to this award and is welcome to take it! (oooh..I can feel the heat already from the powers that be in Blogland...'you're not supposed to do that!'
Whatever! This is the attitude award, right?
Take the award (or not! It's up to you) , but I do like the sharing part of it so if you're in a sharing mood, leave me a comment and tell me 3 things about your crafty side or leave me a link to your blog where you've done the "proper thing" and passed this on to five others and have written your 3 things on your page.OK?
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Congrat's, it's good to have recognition for your sterling qualities isn't it lol. hugs lin
You are too much! :)
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