Well guess who arrived today in the post? lol It just so happened that we have a friend who works in the post office so I called him a couple of days ago to give him a heads up about the parcel, and could he please call us as soon as he spots the peeping box. He said sure, but the mail arrives at 3 in the morning, just how soon do we want him to call? I said that the duckies would have to sleep til 7.lol.
Anyway, we got them home and into the bathtub and they immediately started running around like they were lunatics!! All except Kiki, the little fawn and white runner who was so listless and floppy we didnt think she'd make it.
So we wrapped her in a towel with a heatpak (like hunters use in their shoes)and she's already perking up. They get a little taumatized in the two day journey with temperature changes etc. Ideally, baby ducks and chicks should be kept at 90 degrees for the first week or so. Impossible in transit, and they ship them the day that they hatch. So these babies are two days old. The black one is Gollywog, the brown one Penny. The grey one is Ping (to replace my original)and the little sickly one is Kiki. The remaining buff one (she's yellow right now) is Lulu. ;-) Thanks for looking.

OMG!!!So adorable!!! i wish i could play with them
I should have gotten ours this way, but instead we found some deserted eggs in the wild and turned them under a light bulb and all the eggs hatched, I was amazed, as we were not sure how long that they were abandoned, again, a great experience.
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