Look at my sweeties...aren't they growing up? So sweet. They're about 7 weeks old now and have about 70 % of their feathers. And do you know, ducks are pooping miracles? They are. They poop and within five minutes there's no evidence of it. It just kind of becomes one with nature and disappears into the ground. Here they are below playing follow the leader. Or something like that.
And here are our resident geese. they're very regal looking and command respect from everyone. They even had our grown ducks quacking in submission. They're not like ducks though. they leave their calling cards everywhere. I guess its part of their prideful nature. they want everyone to know that they've been there. "I Wuz ere...." But now I have a rather humiliating story to relate.... The things I'll do to give my peeps a chuckle, I dont know...lol
I kept smelling something rather nasty but I couldn't place what it was. In the end I was looking under tables etc but to no avail. Nevermind, I had to go and pick up Tweety so my hound dog antics would have to wait.
I went into the building where her class was being held and chatted to everyone and saw everyones knitting they'd been working on. Then I told my daughter that it was so hot I decided to take her for icecream. But before we went I needed to run to the bathroom. (always a good idea you know)
After I washed my hands I did a little twirl in the mirror to check out my butt , like ya do, lol (had to see how it was looking in my cute little cream colored capris).... and *gasp* OMGoodness!!! there on one butt cheek was a three inch circle of smooshed duck/goose (can't tell at this stage) poop. Scat. Doodoo. Whatever you want to call it.
Do you have chills yet? Are you feeling embarassed for me yet?
I tried pulling my shirt down to cover the , you know, but it was too short. then I told my daughter to walk behind me which she promptly refused to do. Yeah, nice kid. I'll do the same for you someday. I reminded her that as her mother I had in my hands (or seat) the power to embarass her in front of her classmates.
She still refused.She said she would be laughing too hard to be embarassed.
I think I got out to the car without being seen.....
We went home.
I had eaten so much humble pie that I wasn't too hungry for icecream anymore but being the good mommy that I am I got changed and we went out again. Was it worth it? Is it worth being a duck owner?
I take one more look at those cute ducky faces in the picturesd above and ask myself "awwwwww.......what's a little scat between frinds?"

Very funny! I can see the whole story playing out. Now I have to tell my cat's throwing up story. May not be quite as funny!
The duckies are totally cute..i feel like want to catch and hug them. their " butt" so cute!!!
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